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Provincial Minister
Rev. Fr. John Alwyn Dias, OFM Cap.,

Rev. Fr. Dr. Salvador Fernandes, OFM Cap.

Assistant Director & Program Coordinator
Rev. Fr. Henry D'Souza, OFM Cap.

Rev. Fr. Robin Minin Lopes, OFM Cap.

Group Management
Rev. Fr. Noel Vinay D'Almeida, OFM Cap.

Staff Member
Rev. Fr. Preetham Rayan Mendonca, OFM Cap.

Staff Member
Br. Joseph Francis, OFM Cap.

Registration for the courses is to be made at-least a month prior to the commencement of the respective course either personally or by the major superiors for their own members. The application form can be sent by regular post or via e-mail. Payments should be made through D.D. in favor of "Shanthi Sadhana Trust".


Franciscan Institute of
Spirituality India (FISI)

Dubasipalya, R.V. College Post,
Mysore Road,

Mobile: +91 80507 55371

Email: salvadoreferns@yahoo.co.in

Recent Activities

The blessing of the new grotto “La Verna” and installation of new fraternity at FISI

In order to facilitate the re-living of St. Francis’ stigmata experience in everyone who visits FISI (Franciscan Institute of Spirituality India), a new grotto “LA VERNA” is constructed at our chapel premises under the leadership of Br. Denis Veigas OFM Cap. the then Director and under the experiential craftsmanship of Br. George Vitus CMSF. It was blessed on June 7th 2016 by Br. Denis Veigas in the presence of Br. Salvadore Fernanades, OFM Cap, the counselor of Holy Trinity Province Karnataka and the Rector of the capuchin theologate at Bangalore, and in the presence of the fraternity. It indeed stands out as an example of St Francis’ immeasurable mystical love for his beloved Christ the Crucified One and as an object of meditation and contemplation to everyone who admires at it.



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